Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Life with our three month old

Liam turned three months old last Thursday and I know I sound like a broken record, but I just can't believe it! I feel like he grows and changes overnight...every night. He is getting stronger and sassier with every passing day, and it's so fun to watch him learn new things. 

Over the past month his personality has just exploded and I love it! He is such a fun little guy and he loves to smile, laugh and talk. The boy is trying so hard to talk and he will gabber nonsense at you for as long as you'll talk to him. He has started to laugh/squeak and it is my favorite little sound in the world. I don't have to work very hard for his gummy grins anymore, either. I walk into the room and say anything to him and he breaks out in the biggest grin...and my heart melts. He really smiles with his whole body, too. He'll usually either draw his legs up or stick them straight out and bring his hands together and raise his shoulders when he grins or laughs.

He's also now rolling over from his tummy to his back like a pro. He's trying to get the rollover from his back to his tummy, but it's taking more time. He's got the roll from his back onto his side, but he hasn't quite figured out how to keep going onto his stomach. It's alright, he'll get there soon enough I'm sure. His legs are NEVER still when he's awake, either. I've told Jim that once Liam is mobile, we're in trouble because he is never going to sit still. 

He has started really interacting and playing with his toys, which is so fun. He will grab a toy laying near him if he wants it and hold onto it, lick it, bite it, etc. Then when he's done with it, he throws it. He still loves ceiling fans and anything bright. He will stare at the TV for hours, no matter what is on. Any toy that plays music and lights up is a guaranteed hit as well. 

 Watching Chicago PD with daddy (aka his twin).

He also (thankfully) loves his Ergo carrier. My parents and I took him to his first high school football game Friday night and he did amazing! He fell asleep on the walk to the stadium from our house in the carrier and when he woke up, he was slightly confused as to where we were, but he didn't cry or whine. Football was less than interesting to him, but the band? Holy cow he loved the band! I guess he's going to be a band nerd like his mama and daddy.

Football game cuddles!

For Halloween he dressed up as Yoda, which let me tell you, was just the cutest thing ever! Mini light saber and all. Jim's mom made his costume and it was perfect! He didn't even mind the Yoda ears, he is so chill it blows my mind sometimes.

Now how is Liam's mama doing? I'm feeling great! This morning on my run/walk and I was feeling really good so two of my normal four minute run intervals turned into ten minutes and it felt amazing! I'm up to about 3.5 miles on the days I hit the pavement and it feels so good! I'm only about three pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight AND a non scale related fitness accomplishment from this week...I FIT INTO MY SKINNY JEANS AGAIN. Comfortably, too. It took some courage to try them back on, but when I pulled them up and they buttoned, without making me uncomfortable, I felt like crying. I tell you, the biggest victories in this journey of getting my body back in shape aren't happening on the scale. 
They're happening in my mind, my wardrobe, and my workouts.


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