Monday, December 21, 2015

Tips for a Healthy Holiday

Christmas is just a few days away (YAY!) so I thought it might be a good idea if I shared some of my tips on keeping yourself from overeating or overindulging on Holiday goodies during this busy and celebration packed week.

1. EAT BREAKFAST-Now I don't mean Cocoa Puffs or Pop Tarts here...I mean a breakfast with high protein, healthy fats, and carbs to keep you full. You might think that just skipping breakfast would mean that you save calories, right? Well not really, because you'll be ravenous by lunchtime and then you'll probably overeat. On Thanksgiving I started out my day with my normal nutrient packed Shakeology and I plan to do the same all week long this week. We literally have family gatherings of some sort every day this week except today and Wednesday when Jim is at work, so it would be so easy to fall off track and gorge myself all week. But, starting off my day with a healthy, satisfying breakfast will help me stay on track.

2. Start off your day with exercise. If at all possible, try to get some sort of workout in before any family gathering where you'll be surrounded by all sorts of food. It starts your day off on a healthy note and gets your body moving and burning calories first thing. Even if it's "just" a walk around your neighborhood, get moving! I know you might have cooking and baking to do, but take a few minutes and move your body with some light cardio or body weight exercises like squats and pushups.

3. Eat your favorites. A few years ago I made the realization that I could save hundreds of calories if I stuck to simply eating my favorite things and cutting out the "meh, I'll eat some since it's here" foods. This is especially true for desserts. Skip the store bought mini candy bars and cookies and stick to a slice of your favorite homemade dessert your aunt or grandma makes.

4. Don't deprive yourself. Portion control is HUGE this time of the year. Want some macaroni and cheese? Mashed potatoes? Chocolate fudge? Cheesecake? Go for it! But before you go grab the whole dish and a fork, remember moderation is key! Try to balance out the not so good for you foods with fruits and veggies. Try to just get one (reasonably sized) spoonful of mac and cheese. Add some of those forgotten about green beans and fresh fruit if they're there. And if nobody is planning on bringing healthy options, you bring a couple! And if there's leftovers because you're the only one that ate any, great! That means there will be plenty for you to take home with you ;)

5. Make something festive and cute, but healthy. Pinterest is FULL of cute little desserts and finger foods that are made using foods that are good for you, especially fruit. One adorable such creation I saw at my father in law's Christmas party at his fire station Friday night. Somebody used grapes, bananas, strawberries, and mini marshmallows on kabob sticks to make adorable fruit Santas! So easy and adorable!

6. Moderation is still key. I honestly cannot stress this enough. Even at Christmas celebrations I try to stick to my 80/20 rule. If you look at my plate, it is usually 80% lean meat and fruits and veggies and 20% not so good for me stuff like dressing or my mom's lactose free mac and cheese (which is banging like a biscuit, by the way). So again, you can still eat some of all your favorite "bad things" but just try to balance it out with healthier choices.

7. WATER! Drink tons of water throughout the day. If you're thirsty you might mistake it for hunger. Also, if you're loading your body full of sweet tea and eggnog, that's just liquid calories that you could be using on yummy food ;)

8. Eat healthy when you can. When you aren't at a family gathering, try to make good food choices. Instead of grabbing a burger and fries on the road while you're traveling, try to go with a turkey breast sub sandwich and some baked chips or fruit. I know that doesn't sound as exciting, but that way you can save some of your calories for homemade dishes! I don't know about you, but I think homemade mac and cheese is much better than a drive thru hamburger.

9. Eat slowly. Try not to gobble down your food, I know it will all be delicious, but try to pace yourself. If you eat too quickly, your stomach won't have time to register that you're full, and you'll think you're still hungry and go grab more food. Then, you'll be too full and possibly miserable.

10. Focus on what matters the most. Instead of grazing all day long, try to really focus on spending time in conversations with your loved ones. Stop thinking about food and what's in the kitchen and focus on those around you and enjoying their company.

This. This is what matters during the Christmas season. Not all the food, not the presents, not plans going absolutely perfectly. 
Family and friends and adorable babies dressed up as Rudolph are what are most important.

XOXO and Merry Christmas,


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