Friday, June 12, 2015

My Pregnancy MUST HAVES!

I thought I'd compile a little list of things baby boy and I are LOVING, from food and drinks to the products that have made life a little easier and more comfortable for this little mama.

  • Ginger Ale-OH MY GOODNESS. You have no idea how much I used to loathe Ginger Ale, it made me think about being sick and I just didn't like the taste. Now I have a can almost every morning as a part of my snack, along with some saltine crackers. This has been my go to snack almost from the day I found out I was pregnant. The constant nausea during the first trimester only seemed to be helped by Ginger Ale and saltines. So it stuck for my morning snack. And baby boy LOVES Ginger Ale, he will bounce all over the place when I drink it :)
  • Chick-Fil-A Diet Lemonade-Okay, I'm seriously loving any lemonade or lemon flavored anything right now, but Chick-Fil-A's is by far my favorite. I've picked it as where we would eat dinner several times just for the diet lemonade. IT IS SO GOOD. I could go on all day about how refreshing and wonderful it is, but I think you get the's perfection.
  • Salad-So earlier in my pregnancy, pretty much all baby boy wanted was chicken fingers and french fries. I'm not kidding. Anything remotely healthy made me nauseous. The smell of broccoli in the oven made me want to throw up. It was terrible. But hubby loved it, we could finally go to Zaxby's and all the other fast food places that I used to not touch because they didn't have anything I liked. But now, it is all about the salads. Just don't give me the purple pieces from spring mix. Gross. Zaxby's Grilled House Zalad is by far my favorite. One week I had it like three times and I wasn't even mad about it. 
  • LIMA BEANS-Let me just say, I used to beyond hate almost any kind of bean...especially lima beans. Now, I love them all, especially lima beans. One night for dinner I cooked a pot of lima beans and corn and had it with a pb&j. Why? Because that's what I wanted, and I'm pregnant so I ate it.

  • Milk-Well for me it's lactose free milk, but it's the same concept ;) I've never been a big milk drinker. Milk alone never appealed to me, but now? I love it, and baby boy loves it too, whenever I drink a glass he gets very excited. And if you give me some cookies alongside that glass of milk, baby boy and I will be even happier!

  • Body pillow-While it's probably not as comfy as one of those Snoogle contraptions other pregnant ladies love, it does the job. I love it because sleeping with it between my legs helps ease some of the back and hip pain. Now, my hips are still super stiff in the mornings, but it's manageable. I didn't buy a Snoogle for two reasons. First off, I already had my body pillow at my parents' house from when I was in college and I'm cheap, so I didn't have to buy anything. And secondly, hubby and I have a full size bed. Between him, me, pregnant belly, and body pillow, bed space is already limited. The Snoogle would pretty much mean he would be sleeping on the couch every night he's not at work, and that would just make me feel really selfish.
  • Cocoa Butter-While I've read that it doesn't prevent stretch marks since it's mostly genetics that determine whether or not you get those...thanks mom ;)...cocoa butter makes my itchy skin feel SO much better! At the beginning of my pregnancy, I had read that coconut oil was best for preventing stretchmarks, so I started out using that. But it was so...well, oily. It just seemed to make a mess and I felt like it got all over my clothes. So I switched to cocoa butter because it seems to keep my skin more moisturized than just regular lotion does. I lather up in it in the morning after my shower and several times throughout the day I'll reapply it to my stomach to keep the itching at bay. Then I apply more before I go to bed. 
  • Big water bottle-Pregnancy thirst has been very real for me, so I always have my 24 ounce water bottle with me at work. I try to drink water almost constantly throughout the day and most days I'm able to get somewhere around 120 ounces.

I have to admit, I've surprised myself with my must have food items this pregnancy. It's funny to me that the things I used to despise are now the food items that I crave. They're the ones that make me choose certain restaurants. I made hubby take me to Wife Saver one night for dinner because I wanted lima beans. No lie. 
But, at least now my cravings are on the healthier side. I mean, don't get me wrong, who doesn't love some good chicken fingers? But everything in moderation. Eating them at least twice a week like I was for a while probably isn't the best idea. But, it's literally the only thing that sounded remotely appetizing, so I went with it. And do you know what? I still occasionally treat myself to something fried. 
Why? Because I'm human and it's good, dang it. I refuse to eat nothing but grilled chicken and vegetables for the rest of my life. Moderation is definitely key, and trust me, grilled chicken and vegetables are some of my favorite things right now..but I'm not going to deprive myself of some waffle fries every now and then ;)
I plan on living out my life by the 80/20 rule that I learned about several years ago. That means that you eat healthy, good for you foods 80% of the time and the other 20% of what you eat can be fun, and not so good for you. If you constantly tell yourself you can't eat pizza with your family, you can't have a piece of birthday cake, you can't get fries while everybody else is even though you really want some...then you'll feel deprived, cut off, and eventually you'll give in to those bad cravings and forget all about the healthy eating. 

Again, in my mind it's all about moderation while continuing to live life and enjoy meals and celebrations with family and friends.


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