Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Exhausted...But PROUD

Let me just start off this post by saying that I am so proud of what my body is doing right now. It is creating and carrying our unborn son, and I think that's pretty darn cool.

Being pregnant is such an amazing experience and I am so glad that God has blessed me with this precious time with my son. I adore feeling his little (but getting stronger and not so little) kicks, jabs, and punches. Every single time I feel him move I can't help but to smile down at that basketball bump under my shirt and smile with tears in my eyes. It's crazy to imagine that in a few short months we'll be able to see those adorable little karate moves and kiss his chubby little cheeks.

I knew some things about pregnancy before, but after getting my own little plus sign on a pee stick I started doing my homework. I try to not read too many pregnancy books and websites because every pregnancy is different, but at the same time I want to be informed and know exactly what is going on with my body and why. I want to know how he's growing from day to day and week to week. I want to know what organs he has developed and whether he can hear my voice yet. I honestly celebrate every milestone he reaches because I know that means he's getting closer to meeting his dad and I. And with every milestone he reaches, and the bigger he gets, the harder things get on his mama. Walking my 3 miles has gotten more strenuous and just taking the trash out makes me out of breath. It's hard to get a restful night's sleep with hip pain that wakes me up every hour or so...and then I realize I, of course, have to pee. 
Everything's just getting a little bit harder and more uncomfortable.

Even though I'm not able to run right now, or even walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath, I am so proud of my body. I think every woman who is pregnant or has a child should be proud of her body. I mean, men can't do this so we are OBVIOUSLY the superior gender, right?! ;)

But seriously, God is creating my son inside of me as I type this...how crazy is that? Sometimes earlier in my pregnancy I struggled with the weight gain and losing the tone in my stomach. But then I started feeling the movement of that little nugget and I knew it would all be worth it once I see his face. If I never get my abs back...who cares? If I can't run as fast post pregnancy...it really doesn't matter. If I don't win my age group at half marathons anymore...at least I'll have my son at the finish line...and that makes me the real winner in my eyes.

My point is, even if my body can't do post pregnancy what it athletically could before, I think I'll be just fine. My body has already "proven itself" to me. I've got medals on the wall from races run, and even better I'll have our son. And honestly, I know that this pregnancy and our little prize we take home afterwards will be what I'm most proud of. Forget the abs, forget the age group awards, forget the finish lines, My body is AMAZING and I am so proud and so honored to be carrying this little guy.


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