Thursday, October 22, 2015

Stronger than ever

It's been 12 weeks since we welcomed Mr. Liam into our lives.

He is growing like a weed and getting stronger everyday. It's amazing to me just how quickly he is developing and growing. I sat him up in his Bumbo chair on the couch for the first time yesterday and it made me a little sad. I don't think he should be big enough to sit in his own chair yet...but apparently he is! He loves to sit up "like a big boy" and lay on his own and play with his toys. Until he's tired that is, then he wants to snuggle...which is perfectly fine with me!

Watching Paw Patrol (his favorite show) with Pop

Just chilling in his own chair (don't worry, I never left his side)

As he gets stronger, his mama is working on getting stronger too. I've started incorporating run/walks back into my exercise routine this week and so far I'm feeling great! Monday morning I did about 2.5 miles with 2 minute run/walk intervals and yesterday I did 3 miles with the same intervals. Tuesday and today I've done Beachbody workouts to make sure I'm keeping some variety in my workouts. 

Getting back in shape after having a baby is hard work. 
From an athletic standpoint I'm the slowest I've been in years. 
I'm weaker than I used to be. 
I can't run as far as I used to be able to.
But at the same time, I feel so strong. I am in better shape than I was a few months ago, that's for sure. But more than that, I feel strong because of what my body has done over the past year. My body was the home for our son for 41 weeks and 2 days. I then endured two days in the hospital in labor trying to bring him into the outside world. Then I pushed an eight pound human out of a hole the size of a bagel. Yeah, I seriously just typed that. I then endured weeks of pain and discomfort as my body recovered from the whole ordeal.


God used my body to create a perfect, precious, gorgeous baby boy and then He gave me the strength to deliver him. I know that all of that determination came from someone far greater than me, and I am thankful everyday that He got us through the pregnancy and labor and delivery safely. 

I know that my body can't athletically do what it could before. But I'm okay with that. Even if I'm never as fast as I was before, my body has done something so remarkable and I am so proud of what it has accomplished. I might not be able to run a half marathon in 1 hour and 39 minutes, but I can run/walk three miles while pushing a baby stroller. To me, that is just fine.
 And now I have the most adorable workout partner I have ever seen, which makes working out that much more enjoyable. Before our run yesterday, he had to warm up his legs when he got in his stroller, he seriously was pumping them like he had to get ready to run while I was warming up. 

All ready to run with his Nike booties!

I thought before Liam was born that I would be okay with being slower and not in the best shape of my life after he was born. But I had no idea just how okay with it I would be. He is so much more important and special to me than any race, run, or workout ever could be.


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