Friday, May 8, 2015

How I've been staying FIT

So I've mentioned before how I'm continuing to get my exercise, but I haven't gone into much detail. But today I'm going to share a normal week in workouts for pregnant Courtney.

I try to walk 3 miles 4 or 5 days a week. It generally takes me anywhere from 55-57 minutes to walk those 3 miles. I'm not Olympic-speed power walking, but I'm not strolling either. My pace all depends on the day and how my body is feeling. Earlier in pregnancy if I didn't wake up early and walk before work I would just squeeze a walk in that afternoon after work and between training clients. But now, the Southern 80 degree afternoons have put that to a stop, so if I'm going to get any exercise outside, I have to get up and go first thing in the morning.

I ALWAYS have two rest days, every week. My body seems to respond better right now with an extra rest day in the middle of the week. I've pretty much always taken Sundays off, but now my body is needing an extra day of rest, which is usually Wednesday or Thursday. That seems to work the best, since it gives me a day in the middle of the week to let my body recover and rest up for the next day.

The other workout I've been doing, 1 day a week, is a prenatal workout DVD and light-weight resistance training. I do this usually on a day that I want to catch some extra sleep and I have to workout in the afternoon. The DVD I've been doing is Denise Austin Fit and Firm Pregnancy:

For the most part I really enjoy the cardio workout portion of the DVD. It's 20 minutes long and towards the beginning of my pregnancy I found it almost too easy, but it added variety into my week so I kept with it. Now as my stomach's getting bigger and things are getting heavier, it's definitely just the right intensity level. It's low impact aerobics that is perfect for beginners, and I would say also women who are more fit when they get might not be a challenge to begin with, but once you're later in your pregnancy it will make you sweat! 
I tried the strength training portion and I felt like I hadn't really done anything. There just seemed to not be enough reps or something...I just tried it once and then decided I would incorporate my own resistance training after the cardio portion on days that I wanted to work out with the DVD.

For my light resistance training I use 5 pound weights that I have at home for the arms and just body weight for the leg exercises:
  • Bicep Curls
  • Tricep Dips (obviously I do these with just body weight)
  • Rows
  • Shoulder Press
  • Wall Push Ups
  • Squats
  • Sumo Squats (just like normal squats, but pointing my toes outward)
  • Walking lunges
  • Glute Kick Backs
  • Calf Raises
Now obviously, these might not work for everyone, it's just what I've found works for me. I've tried to really incorporate my entire body into my workouts and I honestly feel really good. The key for me is just making myself have the energy to workout some days. Are there days that I just want to sit on the couch, watch "19 Kids and Counting" and eat an entire batch of my mom's cookies? DUH! But you know what I do before I watch the Duggars and eat a snack (NOT the while batch of cookies, mind you)? I MOVE MY PREGNANT BODY. And it actually feels really good to move, to get the blood flowing. It helps wake me up and put me in a better mood. It gives me the energy to finish my day, which is lovely too.

And on a totally NOT fitness related note (so it doesn't fit into this blog post AT ALL, but oh well, I'm excited) I GOT MY HAIR CUT YESTERDAY. Now for you normal humans out there, you're thinking, "Yeah, okay?..." But let me tell you this, I haven't had a hair cut since 2006! Now, I've have my hair trimmed a couple of times since then, but I haven't had more than the dead ends cut off since I was Junior in high school. Let's just say I had a traumatic experience with my hair being cut ENTIRELY too short for my liking...ABOVE THE SHOULDERS (gasp). But I found this awesome, totally accepting of my annual hair trim, hair stylist who I trust with my flowing locks. 

I call this my "mommy haircut". I no longer feel like I look like I'm 16. I look more like a 24 year old who is beyond excited to meet her son...and that's good because that's exactly who I am.


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